
Jumping on the blossom picture bandwagon. They just beg to be photographed and they're so forgiving, they even look good on my camera! The garden is becoming overwhelmed by violets but I like them so I am being a total pushover (which is probably just as well - they're pretty hard to get rid of!) We're making use of this bounty as dear table companions at mealtimes and, teamed with forget-me-nots (which I love so much) they're just perfect as a wee person-sized posy for a neighbourhood friend, don't you think?

I had to start a spring cotton hat for my little one and I had to sit under the tree to do it this morning. The sky was blue (yes!) as was the yarn and there were little blue flowers that weren't forget-me-nots but that looked like forget-me-nots. Happily we also have flowers that look like forget-me-nots which are forget-me-nots. I never get tired of these. I am also loving very much the huge swath of Lily of the Valley along the path to our house - yes, spring is most assuredly with us.


Victoria Bennett Beyer said...

Isn't everything so pretty this time of year? I adore violets - I remember them being scattered about the yard at my first home when I was VERY small - one of those wierd formative memories that I had all but forgotten until I moved to Pittsburgh a few years ago and found them sprouting up everywhere. To see them again then, and in your post today, brings me absolute joy :)

littlebird said...

i like blue flowers, violets, forget-me-nots, blue bells, iris' etc
so ty for sharing.

( hope you are well, long time no speak : )

FRIZZ said...

i like this time of year. when i'm driving with the windows down i can smell the lilac bushes.