"Alone, aloud in the raptured ear of men We pour our dark nocturnal secret; and then, As night is withdrawn From these sweet-springing meads and bursting boughs of May, Dream, while the innumerable choir of day Welcome the dawn."
From the poem Nightingales by Robert Bridges
Ahhh... satisfying. This week I completed 2 new limited edition prints, they are available in my Etsy store.
Today I am delighted to be able to make my second donation to Amnesty International. Thank you so much for supporting my work and by extension the truly valuable work that Amnesty does defending human rights and non-violence for all.
My Small World. Hmmm... reflecty.
There's this other fantastic street artist I know...
Some more weekend fun...
There's this fantastic tree in New Zealand called a Kauri tree.
Actually rather than a tree, it's more like the tree of New Zealand and for you Kiwis reading this you can't go counting the Ponga because that's a fern, iconic and tree-sized piece of flora though it may be. Kauris can live to be over a thousand years of age and the ancient ancestors of the modern day Kauri were living during the Jurassic period!
So anyway, I was thinking about the Kauri tree and in particular it's groovy seed cone whichlooks like this...
...and with thoughts turning to home I drew an illustration of a family tree.
So here it is, my "Family Tree" Resemblances to any members of my family are purely unintentional!
Weird hair, feeding some birds...
Stormy weather, Don't know why There's no sun up in the sky, Stormy weather...
We do seem to be having a lot of aberrant weather of late. Unlike Ella or Billie I wasn't worrying about no man when I created this but I was thinking that atmospherically everything feels a bit off. Fortunately people seem to be taking this strange weather and the probable causes for it a bit more seriously these days, we can but hope for better days, or in some parts of the world, preferably wetter days! Still Loving the Suburbs and Too Much Weather limited edition prints. Originals were mixed media mad fun.
Okay, it's true. Canada Post really does use actual snails to transport the mail.
Amy from Pikaland tells me that my contribution for Pikapackage has not arrived!? The little gastropoda assigned to deliver my package has clearly lost it's way.
I also suspect that there is a room at the back of the post office where large packages are used as furniture for at least a couple of weeks before they are dispatched to find their way (ever so slowly) to their destinations.
I'm going to go relieve my frustration by weeping gently in a corner now...
Possible Canada Post employee (courtesy Wikipedia) looking for my lost package.
Pen and ink peacocks. People like birds... Birds like birds. Don't see a peahen anywhere, they must fancy each other.
And you thought you had a hard time getting started in the morning...
Photograph of a dragonfly covered in dew byMartin Amm.
Two street artists (Hera and Akut) with two very different styles come together and it is very very nice.
See them creating below, The Leonard Street Gallery, Permission to Paint exhibition.
Cooler than Sea Monkeys, Spacebabies are here! They're also in my etsy store...
Had to share this, it's so nifty. This little gem of a project is called Inner City Snail by street artist, Slinkachu.
Slinkachu's project, The Little People, is a series of installations which are placed in the big city, photographed and then left to fend for themselves! These surprising glimses at a tiny world are well worth checking out:little-people.blogspot.com. And something else, just 'cos.
Everything's gone to pink! At least for the time being.
I can make pink things and be okay with that, really. I'm actually rather enjoying my playful little Oomp characters at the moment and there are others to come, watch out for Spacebabies...
Zukzuk is Helen Acraman, a New Zealand artist living in Canada who loves to travel and has yet to find her way back home.
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