
There's this fantastic tree in New Zealand called a Kauri tree.

Actually rather than a tree, it's more like the tree of New Zealand and for you Kiwis reading this you can't go counting the Ponga because that's a fern, iconic and tree-sized piece of flora though it may be. Kauris can live to be over a thousand years of age and the ancient ancestors of the modern day Kauri were living during the Jurassic period!

So anyway, I was thinking about the Kauri tree and in particular it's groovy seed cone which looks like this...

...and with thoughts turning to home I drew an illustration of a family tree.

So here it is, my "Family Tree"

Resemblances to any members of my family are purely unintentional!


sarah shepherd said...

wow wee that's so cool ... I completely love it ...

Zoe Sizemore said...

This is a really neat illustration referencing the NZ Kauri. I am a Graphic Designer in NZ and was lookng for inspiration for a growth metaphor and came across your work. What media do you work in by the way?